Born and raised in Venezuela, Annie is a 200 HR certified yoga teacher, founder of Annie Moves Yoga, a creative at heart, a wellness insider, an energy adherent and a yoga aficionado.

I began practicing yoga about 10 years ago as a family activity with my parents, when I lived back home. While it only was a physical practice, I always felt inside of me like there was something about it that I really enjoyed, and that would keep me always going back to my mat.
Through my yoga practice I AM able to find that peace that I kept on seeking outside, very deep inside of myself. Now, I invite you to grant yourself the opportunity to get to know your body and learn how to move it consciously on the mat and outside of the mat, always with the intention to better yourself and to make space inside for that inner peace that we keep on seeking outside.
Classes can be both physically and mentally challenging, with a strong focus on muscle toning and kicking in that desired sweat. In the wide array of classes, from restorative to intense power vinyasa classes, Annie Moves Yoga satisfies your body’s every need through conscious and expansive movements.
“I have always dreamed of causing a positive impact, of being a catalyst for positive change in my community, and that is what I strive to do every single day. My practice teaches me daily lessons about life and about myself that I try to share with those around me, my friends and my beautiful community. As I strive to advance in my practice I become a better human – more loving, more patient, more grateful and more open to change than ever before. This platform is a dream. It is my connection to you, wherever you are, know that I am here for you. Growing, laughing, crying, falling, and coming up again together as ONE. Get out of your comfort zone, because when you do so, great things begin to happen”.
See you all on the mat!
Love and light always,